Hey Bonus Seeker - John & Dave here with another AWESOME bonus to make your hard earned cash go a LOT further!
Whenever a truly GREAT product comes along we do our very best to provide an awesome complementary bonus to give you extra value. It provides a win, win situation for us all. You get more value from the product you purchase and we get the chance to earn an affiliate commission.
Checkout all our awesome bonuses below, then grab CB Passive Income quick, while our bonuses are available!
So What Is CB Passive Income?
Patric Chan has developed a powerful marketing software to make money from ClickBank and he wants you to be part of it.
We all know it can be hard to make money online with ClickBank because you're competing with thousands of affiliates, but not anymore – you can now have Patric Chan, a super affiliate from ClickBank work for you!
Hundreds of his customers have made money with this system.
With this system, you don't need to write or produce any content...
You Don't Need to Write or Produce Any Content.
You Don't Need to Create Any Courses to Give Away.
You Don't Need to Create Any Products to Sell.
You Don't Need to Write Any Sales Letters.
You Don't Need to Pay For Hosting or an Autoresponder.
You Don't Need to Send Any Emails.
You Don't Need to Provide Any Customer Service or Follow up.
You Don't Need to Research What Products or Affiliate Programs to Promote.
You Don't Even Need to Learn Internet Marketing.
You Only Have ONE Simple Task to do.

Check Out Our Awesome BONUSES That You'll Get When You Grab 'CB Passive Income' From This Page!
BONUS #1 - Expert in 30 Days Home Course.

In this home course, you will discover the secret to becoming an expert in any niche in 30 days. It will be well worth the time in your first 30 days to be positioned as an expert in your niche.
If you are not position as being an expert then you simply aren't doing the business, getting paid for your expertise, or selling your products like an expert. In fact, if you aren't an expert, hardly anyone is buying from you, because they are buying from the experts instead, right, and leaving you in the rain.
You see, there are some very specific steps people take when they encounter you online... they look around to find out what others are saying about you, they look to see if you are really an expert...and if they don't find some very specific things in place, they automatically assume that you are NOT an expert... even if you are.
NOW YOU can BEAT many other expert competitors in your niche to gain complete dominance over your niche and become the #1 preferred expert in your niche.
BONUS #2 - Advanced Email Campaign Optimization Course.

In this exclusive bonus, you will discover the secret to optimizing your email campaign to double or triple email conversion rates! Here's what you'll discover in this bonus:
* Why optimizing your email campaign is the most effective way you can boost your sales
* How to change your newsletter mailing list into an effective sales machine (hint: more people will buy your stuff - before you change a thing on your sales pages)
* Know exactly which emails to dump - and which ones to keep - in your email campaign. Do this and you'll end up with a lean, powerful campaign that drives traffic exactly where you want it.
* Why you need to set up email conversion tracking (plus a method so simple your grandma can do it for you)
* Use this process to exponentially multiply your profits (put it on the backend after creating a lean, mean frontend - then use it again and again with every new launch)
* Exactly which tools to create killer email campaigns... you can stop worrying about the shiny software and start making money
What you can use to split test landing pages and skyrocket your conversion rates (and the simple software that makes monitoring email results a snap)
And many more!
BONUS #3 - Social Media Marketing Methods Video Training.

Social media is a "must" to marketing to the masses and in recent times it has changed the game when it comes to driving traffic and building business. Investing in people and being social is now the way to free traffic and building your own brand for exponential growth.
Some of the techniques included inside the Social Media Marketing Methods can even be implemented today for zero investment from you! Use them to get traffic to your website or to generating income by promoting products or affiliate programs!
BONUS #4 - The Ultimate Passive Income Course.

The Ultimate Passive Income Course is a step-by-step guide revealing how to create multiple passive income streams and make money while you sleep...
We all know that passive income can quickly change your life.
Most people spend a majority of their time working…
And time is limited.
Passive income provides you with the FREEDOM in your life to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.
Imagine being able to go on vacation and getting paid…
And the best part is, you’re getting paid while you do the things that you want to do.
Imagine spending time with the people that you care about the most, and getting paid while you’re doing the things that want.
Inside Ultimate Passive Income Course, you;ll discover:
* Why passive income is the best business model and how to get started RIGHT NOW...
* The simple steps to use to build passive income streams to build a consistent income and wealth
* Multiple methods for building passive streams as quickly as possible
* Which passive income stream methods you should start with if you want to get the best results as quickly as possible
* The step-by-step process to have your first passive income stream up and running THIS WEEK
* The foolproof strategy to begin growing your passive income streams on complete autopilot
* The things most people do wrong when it comes to building passive income streams and how to make sure you don’t make these common mistakes yourself
* How to quickly scale up your passive income to six figures and beyond in just a few short months from RIGHT NOW
* The simple tools I personally use to automate things and make it even EASIER to setup passive income streams fast...
Plus, a whole lot more...
BONUS #5 - The Ultimate Business-In-A-Box.

The Ultimate Business-In-A-Box could potentially be the most profitable collection of unrestricted private label products ever offer on the Internet.
This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to create in-demand information products that are completely yours to profit from without spending a whole lot of time, money or effort.
You pay me NO on-going fees or royalties...and 100% of the profits is all yours to keep. The package includes 14 original, high quality products with full unrestricted Private Label Rights (w/Sales Letters) and a real world value of $13,981.45. The titles included are:
* The Internet Millionare Hacks - What internet millionaires know that you don't...
* Backend Profit Multipliers - Little known strategies to instantly double, tripple or even quadruple your profits
* Perfectly Profitable Products - How to position your products for maximum profits
* 7 Products In 7 Days - Amazing secrets to warp speed your product creation
* And another 10 titles with full Private Label Rights!
BONUS #6 - Lifetime Access to Multi Profit Monthly + PLR Rights.

Just Starting Out – Where Do You Start. In the first issue they cover getting started online. They show you how to effectively set up a system that puts you in a position to generate subscribers and that all important first sale.
Traffic-Visitors – The Main Stumbling Block! Every website needs traffic, in this issue they cover every single traffic method that works effectively for them. After completing this issue you won’t have to worry about traffic ever again.
Video in Business – How Videos Can Make Your Business Explode! How to use video to sell and generate leads.
How to Maximize Your Sales Process. You must have an effective sales process in place so you can make the maximum revenue from each customer. In this issue they’ll show you how to set up an effective sales funnel so no money gets left on the table.
Maximizing Your List Building and Subscribers. The list, the list, the money is in the list. This issue covers absolutely everything they know about list building. They’ll also show you how to maximize sales from each subscriber.
How To Utilize PLR Material Effectively – The Right Way! Have you got any PLR (Private Label Rights) material sitting on your hard drive doing nothing? If so this issue will show you how to effectively use that material and turn it into a cash sucking machine.
Using Scripts and Tools To Increase Sales and Subscribers. In this issue we show you all the scripts and tools they use in our business. These tools help our business grow at record pace. Once you start using these tools your business will explode.
Using eBay To Build Your Business. In this issue John reveals all he knows about using eBay to build your business. This jam packed issue covers everything John knows about trading on eBay. As an eBay top rated seller with over 17.000 positive feedback comments when it comes to eBay John is someone you should take notice of.
Ten Ways To Effectively Promote as an Affiliate. John and Dave have won countless JV competitions, in this issue they reveal everything they know about effectively promoting as an affiliate. Once you have completed this issue you will have the knowledge to achieve super affiliate status.
The Final Step To Success. In this final issue, they’ll show you the final steps you need to take to become truly successful. While we can’t let you know exactly what this issue covers let me assure you this is the most revealing information they have ever released.
BONUS #7 - The Digital Cover Creator.

This highly advance software will allow you to professional amazing 3D book e-covers without any designing skill or experience at all!
Truth be told, designing these does take professional skills.
First you need to figure out what best image ratio is (and trust me this is already no mean feat).
Secondly you need to think about which are the best fonts for book covers and then find (hopefully not steal) background vector images and label graphics to make your product cover stand out.
Finally you need to come up with gorgeous designs that can draw visitors to buy to your eBook and trust your brand.
With Digital Cover Creator, all of these problems are solved.
In a nutshell? This software makes it fast, fun and simple to increase your marketing conversion with solid ecovers.
Simpy point, click, edit and download your ecovers in a breeze. Forget about pixels, formatting and all the technical jargon.
BONUS #8 - Traffic From Google Home Course.

Inside this massive home course video training, you will get in depth training on all of the powerful ways to get traffic from search engine optimizations. While you’re building your internet business with CB Passive Income, you can also be using SEO to get more traffic.
More importantly, you’ll discover what works now including how to optimize your site for mobile search, and explode your SEO traffic.
Next, learn how to target the perfect keywords so you can maximize your SEO traffic. Without this skill, you’ll not be able to get traffic from Google strategically.
What about internal ranking factors? This will be covered as well so you can effectively optimize any site you touch like a seasoned SEO expert!
Other than this, you’ll also learn about search engine updates, link building, off page SEO factors, negative ranking factors, social media for effective SEO and many others.
BONUS #9 - The Email Assassin Home Course.

The CB Passive Income runs on the premise of making money from email marketing.
In this bonus, you’ll now get the chance to steal closely guarded “ninja” email marketing tactics, strategies and techniques that will transform you from an email marketing newbie to an email marketing expert “overnight”. This is the perfect complement because once you’ve build your list, you’ll want to master email marketing to sell online! In this powerful course, you’ll get access to 14 modules covering the topics as following:
Module 1: How long to make your auto-responder email sequence for maximum profits
Module 2: Offers Vs content (the best ratio you should use)
Module 3: Best time to follow up and best time to broadcast
Module 4: Best types of subject lines to use for insane open rates
Module 5: Best way to deliver constant value to your list and keep them responsive
Module 6: Best way exactly how to make money with your email lists
Module 7: How to write killer follow up emails (You’ll see a Live example)
Module 8: How to write a killer promotional email that makes you money
Module 9: The #1 key coprwriting strategy to use in your emails to make them more powerful
Module 10: The 1 simple strategy to use in your email messages to make more money from your emails
Module 11: How to keep your subscribers engaged with your content making your open rates skyrocket
Module 12: The exact type of prospect follow up sequence to use for best results
Module 13: Best way to follow up with your buyers by focusing on 1 simple thing
Module 14: The complete secret ingredients of an effective and profitable email
All You Need to do to Grab All Our Bonuses on This Page is Grab 'CB Passive Income' From The link Below!
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Good Luck!
We hope you make it in time!

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Before you leave, make sure you check out CB Passive Income for yourself.